Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Just some sketches

Here's just a couple sketches for y'all. I recently got the art of "Open Season" book and have been perusing it ravenously. Man the designs are gorgeous. So I decided to draw some ducks and dogs and things and most of it is pretty much a rip off of Carter Goddrich's stuff. That guy's amazing. Enjoy.

Monday, December 11, 2006

El Pitufo Grande!

This last week at work we had a challenge to draw up a lucha libre wrestler. I started thinking about what I would want to do and then the idea came into my head that I would call him "El Pitufo Grande!" Pitufo is one of my favorite spanish words and it means Smurf, or I guess the show Smurfs down in Mexico is called Pitufo's. So that's why he's all blue and white. I'm going to really take some more time on this one and post him up again later (if you're lucky), but for now, here he is. Enjoy.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Here's the first pass at this little guy. I really had fun with this drawing so I think I'm going to put some time into coloring him. So this is a basic color scheme laid down. WE'll see how he turns out. Enjoy.

Monday, December 04, 2006


Hello Everyone. Sorry about the long delay. Things have been kind of hectic lately what with one thing or another. A couple of weeks ago I went to the zoo and was able to see my favorite animal ever. The gibbon. Hae you all seen these guys. they're so cool. They just swing around so effortlessly. If I believed in reincarnation I would totally wait in line after this life for my chance to be a gibbon. What would you all like to come back as? Enjoy.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Happy Really lat Thanksgiving

Drew this turkey on thanksgiving while I was watching the macy's parade with my family. Enjoy.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Super Heroes

This is a painting I did for my brother in law and his family. Every year on my wife's side of the family we swap names for Christmas to see who is buying for whom. And every year the couple that gets a present from us says to me, "Instead of a present you could just paint us something." Well this is what came of it this year. No I will not be putting up any of the past years paintings, because I am too embarrassed to do so. That's a good thing though right? I mean the fact that I think everything I did last year sucks, means that I am improving, right? Maybe I'm just getting better at seeing what sucks and what doesn't. So enjoy the super hero family while you can cause in a week or two I probably won't like it anymore. Oh and by the way, my brother in law asked that he and his family be turned into super heros. So he, his wife and his three kids all have super powers. You get to decide what those powers are and how they can be used for the good of mankind. Enjoy.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Freaky Fish

Just a freaky fish. That's all. Enjoy.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Zombie Boy

I've decided that most of my drawings do not look finished enough. I get about half way done and then I move on to something else. In an effort to correct that I have decided to start inking things up. It was much easier to scan and then color this way and I really am pleased with the results. There's still lots to learn about how to make it really sing, but I count this as a valient first try. Oh, why did I decide to draw a zombie boy you ask? Well I was out at a party and everyone was sitting around drawing zombie boys and I just gave into the peer pressure. Don't you judge me. Enjoy.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

My son

Ok, obviously this isn't my son. Or more accurately this is not my son as he is, but rather as he would like to be. My son is 4, and he loves cars. Not just the movie that just came out on DVD (although he does love that quite a bit) but just cars in general. He owns probably 300 hotwheels cars due mostly to me buying him one everytime we go to Walmart (it's as cheep as a candy bar and lasts alot longer). So we play cars at home and most of his room is taken over by either his hotwheels cars or the various larger car/truck/tractor type vehicles that I or others have given him. Well like I said the pixar movie Cars just came out on DVD and my son is "happy as a tornado in a trailer park" (quote from the movie) and I got to thinking what Lucas would look like if he were in this movie. Well my son runs all over the place and has recently started to climb all over furniture and the unfortunate people that happen to be sitting on it so I made him a jeep. An off road jeep. Why is he yellow you ask? Because I like yellow, plain and simple. The large rearview mirrors were intended to be his ears which stick out of his head. (It's harder to tell the more his hair grows. Anywho, I think I'm going to have to paint this one up for him and frame it for his room (I'll also need to make sure he's wearing a diaper at the time because he just might wet himself.) Enjoy.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Thought I would have some fun doing a ninja. This started out as a basic Karate Kid pose (don't tell me you didn't spend three months of your life perfecting that move when you were a kid like I did, cause I know you did. You still do when no one's watching don't you?) but I also made him kind of rockin' out. (look at the hands). Originally he was going to be a dark ninja, but the face ended up bing so small that I thought white might work better. Enjoy.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Your Regualr Monday Sketch Dump

Well like most mondays I am giving you my church sketches from this week. I'll see if I have time for something a little more done later. Enjoy.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Quick little bird

Well I guess that says it all then doesn't it? Wanted to get something in for the day. Enjoy.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Everyone at work here is playing a cool game that has a little robot in it that rolls around and picks stuff up. Thought I would do my own little robot just for kicks. I had more fun doing all the bits and bobs on this guy than I thought I would. Normally I steer away from sciency techy junk because I don't like all the details it requires, but I like this one. There may be hope for me yet. Enjoy.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween!

Well Halloween is here. This is a guy I've been meaning to draw for awhile and was kind of afraid of. I didn't want to mess it up. Isn't that funny what I consider scarry. I doubt they'll ever make a big budget movie about a piece of paper that ruins everydrawing you try to put on it. (I would run screaming out of the theatre but I'm one of the few I think.) Tune in tomorrow to find out what a pound and a half of sugar in one night inspires me to draw. Enjoy.

Monday, October 30, 2006

How Kemosabe!

I figured since I had already drawn a cowboy I might as well draw an Indian as well. Kind of like both of these guys. They kind of have the same body shape and all. Tomorrow's halloween. I'll try and do something....you know...halloweenish. Enjoy.

Friday, October 27, 2006


Don't know why, but I felt like drawing a cowboy. I need to draw more human characters. I get really into drawing animals and monsters and such but I don't draw as many humans. I need to get better at that, because about 90% of the time that's what I'm going to be asked to draw. That doesn't mean I can't make them cowboys or knights or something cool like that though, does it? Enjoy.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

A very Surf Dog Halloween

HEre's the drawing of the painting I am going to try and get done this next week. It's halloween time and I wanted to paint something just for me and this is the result. Who knows if I will find time to even get this one more than just a little done, but I can try. I'll post this one again later and you can all see how it's going. Enjoy.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Church sketches

Just some random doodles from church on sunday. Enjoy.

The Prestige

I'm gonna do something a little different right now. I started this blog to give me a place to put some art and also as a motivation to DO said art. I don't know why, but knowing that I haven't posted any new art in a couple days is usually enough to make me go out and do something, just so you lucky viewers can see it. Well on top of the fact that I am an artist I am also a geek. I love movies and I love sci/fi fantasy books. More often than not I am not posting new art work because I am indulging in my obsession with those other things mentioned above. Well since I'm going to all the trouble of viewing thos movies and reading those books I may as well impart all of this wisdom that I have upon you guys. So what follows will be my own short little review of the movie "The Prestige" which I saw this weekend. I will not however, be giving away anything in the movie. I hate reading reviews of movies that give away the ending or a plot twist or something like that. Thos are the types of things that we go to movies to see. So here goes.

First off, this movie ROCKS! I saw the trailer for this one a couple months back and I watched three times in a row online. I knew this was going to be something I would really dig and it turns out....I was right. I am also now a big Chris Nolan fan (he's the director) Chris has foavored us with Memento and last years Batman Begins. I think both of those previous movies are brilliant and loved them. Well now he's 3 for 3 (Ihaven't seen insomnia which he also directed). The movie is the story of two rivaling magicians in turn of the century london. Their competition becomes quite fierce and threatens both of their lives. The movie is less about the actual magic than it is about the magicians and how their obsession with the others methods consumes their lives and destroys the lives of those around them. I've read some review that claim that the characters are flat and now very fleshed out, but I disagree. I thought the characters were interesting. One of my favorite aspects of the movie was the fact that I didn't know who to root for. Who should come out on top of this little rivalry? I couldn't really decide. I could see things from both of the main characters perspectives. Like they say "everyone is the hero in their own story." If you've seen the trailer you know that this movie is likely to have twists and turns and that it will try to suprise you in that "I totally didn't see that coming" kind of way and sure enough it does. I'm not saying that those twist and turns suprised me everytime. There were several things that I saw coming before the director openly revealed them. That, however, did not lessen my enjoyment of it all. I found myself replaying the movie in my head later and trying to pick up on hints that Imissed before. A friend and I were discussing the movie this morning and each of us would say "You remember when _____ happened, now I totally know that this is what was really going on." or "Oh, so when ____ said ______ what he really meant was _____." This is certainly a movie that I will enjoy revisiting again to catch all of the little nuances that I missed. Overall I loved this movie and the more I think about it and the more I've talked with others who have seen it, the more I like it. I know I told my Dad that this movie wa ssimply "good", but that was because I didn't want to raise his expectations too high. I'm telling you though, this movie is great. This is the type of movie experience I want more often, but having seen what's coming out this fall it doesn't look like that will happen too much.

Friday, October 20, 2006


Halloween is just a darn fun time for artists I tell you. I'm planning a painting and wanted to do a sketch of a vampire for it and I thought, you know, Darcula is cool and all but for shear looks you can't beat Count Orlock. That bald head, those buck teeth and those nails that belong in Guiness world records. He's got it all man. I'll bet he has to beat the women away with a stick. Sigh, vampires get all the chicks. On a fun side note for an awesome double feature movie night watch Shadow of the Vampire followed by Nosferatu. Wonderful. Anyway, Enjoy.

Thursday, October 19, 2006


Had fun drawing a cool samurai. Started coloring it. I think I'll do some more color on it but it's been forever since I've posted. Sorry. Things have been really crazy. I should be back on track from now on. Enjoy.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Stripey Monster Thingy

Been drawing alot of tigers today and I guess this is what came out of it. Like I said in an earlier post there's nothing quite like a weird monster drawing. Enjoy.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

It came from...the KOI POND!

You know how everyone tells you that a goldfish will grow to fit it's enviornment. Well this is what happens when you give it an enviornment that's too big. I wanted to draw the Creature from the Black Lagoon, and then I thought it would be fun to turn him into a goldfish. This drawing was a blast. During October I want to draw monsters. Movie monsters, fairytale monsters, mythological monsters, etc... So if anyone who is reading this has any ideas, please comment and let me know. I love fresh ideas. Anywho....Enjoy.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


I hope we've all seen the movie Legend, because it's awesome. I can't watch it and not draw the big bad guy from it. I've probably drawn him 20 times. This time around I decided to draw an older version of him. I mean the movie came out in the mid 80's and I haven't seen this bad guy in any other movies, so I figure he's kind of let himself go a bit. I particularly like the Hello Kitty mug and angel boxer shorts. Enjoy.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Cliche but whatever.

At work we have a challenge going around to do Movie monsters and I figured I should just get frankenstein's monster out of the way. He's great fun to draw, but unfortunately he's been done to death. I had fun on this one anyway. I think there are more to come in this little series and hopefully they'll be different ones than most people think of. Enjoy.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Pretty Pink Poodle

Somewhere in my family (my mom's cousin's something something.....) is a little girl who is very sick. Apparently they want to make her hospital room bright and cheery and asked her what she wanted. She wants a pink poodle with a leash (the leash is apparently very important). So here's a poodle (with a leash) that I painted up for her last night. There's lots of problems with the colors and I didn't have time for too many details, but I wanted to get it to her soon and this is what came out. I just hope she likes it and it can brighten her days a bit.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

I'm Boared

Ha Ha, I'm so funny, aren't I? Anywho, I just kind of felt like drawing a boar today. I think these guys are cool. They seem so front heavy. I can just imagine one of them charging and then deciding to stop and all that forward momentum would just tip them over onto their noses. Enjoy.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


I love godzilla. what can I say? this was for a fun little thing at work. We were supposed to draw a movie monster and I decided on the big man. I wanted it to have the feel of one of those old black and white Godzilla movies. I even looked up the japanese text that appears on his posters. Enjoy.

Mistborn Llama T-shirts

Sorry everyone that nothing got posted yesterday. things have been busy. I wanted to put this link up for the Mistborn Llama T-shirts. I don't know if anyone wants one but I'm gonna put it out there anyway. Sorry they are so expensive but if anyone wants to order 5,000 of them the price should go down considerably. So no worries then. Anywho here's the link for ya'll. www.printfection.com/mistbornllamas.213737

Monday, October 02, 2006

Sketch Dump

Had a lot of time this weekend to just sketch so I'm going to let all of you priveledged people see what came of it. Lots of random doodles and some shape drawings. for those of you who are wondering what a shape drawing is, I'll tell you. You draw a random shape and then look at it and see what you can make out of it. In this case three different people scribbled in my sketch book and I turned them into a parrot, a dinosaur, and a fox respectively. Enjoy.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Poison Frog

Man I am in a frog mood lately. Aren't poison Frogs just awesome. I'll probably do a couple more of these. Just cause they're cool. Enjoy.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Tree Frog

Was having some fun with tree frogs today and decided to color up this one. Man if there's anything cooler than a tree frog I'd like to know. Well, maybe sushi. boy, I could sure go for some sushi. Mmmmmm....sushi. enjoy.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Slug beast

Didn't have time to do a new drawing today so I went and jazzed up an old one I found on my hard drive. I don't mind this drawing and I guess after even a month if I still like a drawing that's a good sign. this was done after I played one of the Tak games that avalanche does. Gorgeous work. chrck it out. enjoy.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Zombie Shark

This could be my wife's absolute worst nightmare. She hates sharks. I'm not sure if she has feelings one way or the other on zombies but I can imagine the combination of the two would be enough to strike fear into the hearts of even the bravest boogey-boarders. Enjoy.

Thursday, September 21, 2006


This is Bradley. Bradley has found that having a different hobby can help him overcome the urges he has to jump out and scare children. A couple of Bradley's friends suggested that he take up boxing to fill his time. As you can imagine, he's pretty good at it. His right (and left) hook leave something to be desired but it's awful hard to find an opening. enjoy.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

In memorium of Sid the Snail

By the time Sid saw what was coming, it was too late.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


My 22 month old daughter just loves to draw. Or more acurately she loves to scribble on paper and then ask me to draw something for her, then she scribbles, then she asks, etc. We've got a system down now. Everytime she starts drawing the first thing she asks for is a kitty cat. She's a pretty patient little thing so I normally have about 5-10 seconds before she yanks the pencil out of my hands and starts scribbling again. I decided today I would draw my own kitty cats and see what they would look like given less of a time constraint. So here they are. enjoy.

Monday, September 18, 2006

monday morning

This is basically what I feel like on a monday morning. Boy it takes a lot to get going doesn't it. Enjoy.

Friday, September 15, 2006

More Viking Ballet

I really kind of liked this viking ballet drawing. I think it's me trying to draw something very girly for my daughter, but it never turns out very girly. I've done some ballet dinosaurs as well and all of these I've found extremely ridiculous and therefore funny. So I think I'll keep detailing this guy for awhile. It's starting to get there. Enjoy.

Hi, I'm Myron and......

This is Myron. He's an inspiration to all of us. He's been clean for three months now. It's been hard, because he's had to stop hanging out with all of his scarring friends. Let's all give Myron the support he deserves shall we? Enjoy.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Scarrers anonymous

A friend of mine commented on the bluemonster picture I posted earlier this week and said how he looks like a monster standing up at scarrer's anonymous. You know the drill "Hi Im, ____ and I have a problem." I thought the idea was a hoot so I drew another one (complete with name tag) and here he is. I'll probably do some more just for kicks. By the way this is Chad. He has a problem. He likes to hide in kids closets and scare them. Let's all be there to help Chad with this tough period in his life. Enjoy.

Viking Ballet

Up until that moment Sven's companions didn't know how light on his feet he could be.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Mega (Chicken) Man

This past week for the challenge at work we redrew our favorite video game character and I chose Mega man. What can I say, he's just cool. I loved beating the bosses and then getting new weapons. For this drawing I decided that Megaman had just defeated a very large and nefarious chicken boss. Now he is able to shoot chickens at high velocity out of his blaster. Let the enemies beware. Enjoy.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Like I said earlier, there's nothing like a monster drawing to just get the gears moving again. Decided to put a bit more color into this one. Enjoy.