Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Old sketches

Sorry it has been so long since I've posted. The whole point of this blog was to give me something to force me to sketch and sketch and sketch. Life recently has been full of...well... life. Lots of things happening. So this then is an old page out of my sketchbook that I still kinda like (which is quite a rarity let me assure you.) I should be back soon with all new stuff. Enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. You know it's great when some one really gets what I'm trying to say with a piece of art. I was totally going for a hamster on a couch with an unattended wheel in the background, but you don't just want to go out and give it away, you need to make the viewer think. My art has many levels too it, let me tell ya. Now see if you can figure out what I was trying to say with the elephant.
