Friday, October 06, 2006

Pretty Pink Poodle

Somewhere in my family (my mom's cousin's something something.....) is a little girl who is very sick. Apparently they want to make her hospital room bright and cheery and asked her what she wanted. She wants a pink poodle with a leash (the leash is apparently very important). So here's a poodle (with a leash) that I painted up for her last night. There's lots of problems with the colors and I didn't have time for too many details, but I wanted to get it to her soon and this is what came out. I just hope she likes it and it can brighten her days a bit.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Deer girly-dog,

    I can't beleeve you made something pink. But I guess it's okay. Specially if it were for some little kid like me.
