Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Back Again, Again!

Wow! Sorry that I was away for so long. Life has just gotten busier and busier with no end in sight. I still have managed to do a little bit of artwork on my own and so I'll let you in on it a piece at a time. This is one I did for a cool sketchbook with toned paper. It's always nice to be able to pull out the whites on a picture as well as all the darks. It's a fun sketchbook that kind of forces me to go beyond what I normally do. Enjoy.


  1. Great colors and design. I love the toned sketchbook. It makes me want to try that.

  2. Nice design. I like the heavy outline around him.

  3. This is awsome. I haden't seen the colored version. Strong charecter concept.
