Friday, March 21, 2008

Pride and Prejudice

I know what some of you are probably thinking. Oh what a nice guy to draw something like this for his wife. But you would be wrong. On top of loving action movies and Godzilla and bad scifi/horror films, I am also totally in love with Jane Austen. It doesn't make much sense to me either but there's nothing really I can do about it. About 2-3 times a year I have the need to sit down and watch Pride and Prejudice. Not the recent one with Kiera Knightly (though I have no objections to it), but the 5 hour BBC one. I love it. I talk to the characters on scree. I get totally caught up in it. I realize that some of you may want to distance yourselves from me now, but it couldn't be helped. Now you know. Enjoy.


Anonymous said...

well my friend, even though you may like this movie that I was forced to watch as a child, an vehemently abhor. I still love your art. your stuff rocks, keep it up!

Manelle said...

this is awesome.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of dogs and the A&E Pride and Prejudice, does anyone know what breed of dog appears in the second episode where Lizzy plays with him as Darcy watches after taking a bath? It looks something like a mastiff with spots.

Larry Hartzell said...

This is from Holly:
Shawn, I always knew that I liked you. Now I know why.
Now that you bring it up, I may have to go watch it again now that it's too hot to do anything else.

Anonymous said...

The dog that Lizzy plays with is a Great Dane, Harlequin coat. One of the absolute best breeds of dog on earth!