Just a quick sketch from my sketchbook. I really liked this one. I never did get around to finishing up the tattoos. I put them on the face, but I think he needs them on his arms and chest still. Oh well. Still lots of fun. Enjoy.
During the course of production on Band of Bugs I drew a lot of specific bugs but I also drew a ton of random beetles. Whenever I just wanted to play with a shape or size of something I would just draw a beetle. A couple beetle like creatures ended up in the game. I'm still sad some of the shapes here were never refined and made into characters. Oh well. Enjoy.
This is the finished sketch for a piece of art that I am doing. Just something fun for me to do and a piece I've been meaning to do for along time now. I'll post this a couple more times in between now and when it's done. Kind of a work in progress thing. Hope it turns out good. enjoy.
This was one of the other bad guys in the Band of Bugs game. He was supposed to be our "dragon" character. I drew up some designs that would have him scuttling around but he needed to fit into one square of the game board and so we needed a different solution. I drew him then coming up out of the ground so that only a small part of him was visible. We all liked this solution. We also wanted a really cool animation where he would tunnel underground to move anywhere but that ended up not happening. Still I thought he was kind of neat. Enjoy.
My wife and I like to watch a lot of food network- especially the challenges, and we have recently decided to step up our celebrations by going all out on a cake. So, here is a dragon that we spent 5 hours on for my in-laws going away party (they are going to Japan next week for a year and a half). Hope you like it. Enjoy!
Just a sketch from my sketchbook. I like it. I don't know why he's blowing bubbles, but he is. I'll bet it's hard to blow bubbles if your a species that breathes fire. He must e pretty talented. enjoy.
This was probably the first charcter that we nailed down for the game. There were alot of drawings of this particular guy. We knew we wanted a stag beetle character but we weren't sure exactly what the look of the game was going to be. Once we had this guy nailed down the rest fo the bugs came much easier. He was kind of our guide as to what the look and the feel of the game would be. I also did some of the modeling of this character in 3d. I needed some help cleaning him up in the end and I didn't do the final texturing but I did model him. It took me long enough that they haven't had me do any modeling since. We all play to our strengths and this wasn't mine. So enjoy this one cause it may be the last. Enjoy.
There were two different praying mantis characters in the game. One was just a general soldier, the other was a specific character in the game. He was a guide to the hero and needed to look like he had seen quite a bit of battle in his day. He needed to have a prosthetic limb as well as an eye patch. Lots of fun to make a cool looking character and then playing around with what a bug would use for a fake limb. Still not sure how this guy uses his prosthetic, but he does. Enjoy.
One of the really cool things about the Band of Bugs project was the fact that we could put a Ninja Bee in the game (NinjaBee is the company I work for). It was really fun to take the company logo and turn it into more of a three dimensional character. This one came out in just one drawing. Most of the decisions were already made for me. How big he was how many legs to put on, what shape he was, I already had something to work with so I just tweaked that and came up with a character. Enjoy.
Heres another character from the Band of Bugs video game. This was one that I was particularly pleased with. Things just seemed to work well with this design. Enjoy.
This is a small piece I've been working on recently. At work I've been doing alot of work with colored pencils on paper and I've been really happy with the results, so I dicided to a do one of my own. More like this to come I think. Enjoy.
Well since my last post I gave you the Hero of the game I figured this time around I would show you the villain. I'm not sure where some of the sketches for him are. If I remember correctly this guy was pretty easy to nail down. Just a couple of drawings and we had what we wanted with him. On this piece I did both the initial sketch and then the computer coloring that you see here. I'm pretty pleased with how the coloring turned out on these. Enjoy.
This is something I've been meaning to do for awhile now. Last year my company had a game come out called Band of Bugs on the Xbox 360 live arcade. If any of you have an xbox I would recommend trying it out. It's a fun little game. Since it's out there the artwork I did for is no longer confidential so I wanted to post up some of the art I did for the game. I designed all of the characters and a good chunk of the other objects that you see in the game. It was a lot of fun. So here's the main character in the game. Hope you all enjoy. More to come soon.
Sorry I was away for awhile (to all 5 of you who visit here). There were the holidays and then I moved and am now trying to get my act together again. Hopefully I'll get back on track here. Cool stuff coming up soon. Enjoy.